
Plastic Scanner (2021)
Sheetpress (2018)
Jewelry from recycled plastic (2022)
Plastic Scanner 2.0 (2022)
Wood Light (2015)
Festival chair (2016)
Recycled iPhone case (2017)
Sunscreen dispenser (2021)
Paper plane folding machine (2019)
Plastic recycling workspace (2017)
Schistoscope (2020)
Covid mask (2019)

I find true pleasure in making, I believe it helps to build quick, and itterate often.

Schistoscope (2019)
Web synced flip clock (2020)
Maker Faire Light Installation (2022)
Plastic Wash system (2021)
White paper (2023)
DIN SPEC 3105 (2019)
Media dial (2019)
Banner Bag (2018)
TU Delft Open Hardware (2022)
Mini PSU (2021)
Laptop reuse (2020)